| 1. | So use global element declarations sparingly 因此使用全局元素声明必须谨慎。 |
| 2. | Element declarations can reside in a single style sheet 单个样式表中可以驻留任意多个 |
| 3. | Element declaration cannot be processed 元素声明的xml元素。 |
| 4. | Dialog box by right - clicking the element declaration . new name 通过右击元素声明可以打开“重命名”对话框。 |
| 5. | Objects to which xml schema element declarations are to be added 类的新实例,该类提供要添加xml架构元素声明的 |
| 6. | Statement , and they must precede any programming element declarations such as 语句)之后、任何编程元素声明(如 |
| 7. | An unnamed type is defined inline as part of an element declaration 未命名类型作为元素声明的组成部分内嵌定义。 |
| 8. | Adds an element declaration for an object or type to a soap message or an 将对象或类型的元素声明添加到soap消息或 |
| 9. | Adds an element declaration for an object or type to a soap message or to an 将对象或类型的元素声明添加到soap消息或 |
| 10. | Objects with xml schema element declarations that are found in type mapping objects 使用类型映射对象中的xml架构元素声明填充 |